Tense:Bangla Explanation

প্রিয় শিক্ষার্থীরা, আজ ইংরেজি ২য় পত্রের Tense অংশ থেকে মৌলিক বিষয়গুলো আলোচনা করব।
Tense (
কাল): Tense অর্থ কাল বা সময়। কোনো কাজ সম্পাদনের সময়কে tense বলে। ল্যাটিন শব্দ tempus থেকে tense শব্দটি এসেছে। tempus অর্থ সময়।
এর প্রকারভেদ: Verb-এর কাজ অনুযায়ী tense প্রধানত তিন প্রকার। যথা:
)Present tense (বর্তমান কাল)
) Past tense (অতীত কাল)
) Future tense (ভবিষ্যৎ কাল)
. Present tense (বর্তমান কাল): যে কাজ বর্তমান কালে সম্পন্ন হয় বা হয়ে থাকে বোঝায়, তাকে verb-এর present tense বা বর্তমান কাল বলে। যেমন: I go to school,
He writes a letter, He draws a picture.
. Past tense (অতীত কাল): যে কাজ অতীতকালে সম্পন্ন হয়েছিল বা ঘটেছিল বোঝায়, তাকে verb-এর past tense বা অতীত কাল বলে।
যেমন: I went to school. He wrote a letter yesterday. He drew a picture.
. Future tense (ভবিষ্যৎ কাল): ভবিষ্যৎ কালে কোনো কাজ সম্পন্ন হবে বোঝালে, তাকে verb-এর future tense বা ভবিষ্যৎ কাল বলে।
যেমন: I shall buy a pen. I shall go to Dhaka.
They will play football etc.
প্রত্যেকটি tense-কে আবার চার ভাগে ভাগ করা যায়। যথা:
) Indefinite (অনির্দিষ্ট) ) Continuous (চলতি অবস্থা)
) Perfect (সম্পন্ন বা শেষ অবস্থা)
) Perfect continuous (পূর্ব থেকে আরম্ভ হয়ে চলতে থাকা)
Present tense (
বর্তমান কাল)
. Present indefinite tense: বর্তমান কালে কোনো কাজ সাধারণভাবে হয় বা হয়ে থাকে এরূপ বোঝালে verb-এর present indefinite tense হয়। চিরন্তন সত্য, নিকট ভবিষ্যৎ, অভ্যাস, প্রকৃতি বোঝাতেও present indefinite tense হয়।
গঠন প্রণালি: Subject-এর পর মূল verb-এর present form ব্যবহূত হয়। তবে subject (কর্তা) third person singular number হলে মূল verb-এর শেষে s বা es যোগ করতে হয়। যেমন: 1) We live in Bangladesh.
2) The sun rises in the east.
3) Birds fly in the sky.
4) The rose smells sweet.
5) He does not sleep by day.
6) Does Ram not drink tea?
. Present continuous tense: বর্তমান কালে কোনো কাজ হচ্ছে বা চলছে এরূপ বোঝালে verb-এর present continuous tense হয়।
গঠন প্রণালি: Subject-এর পর person number অনুসারে am, is, are বসে এবং মূল verb-এর শেষে ing যোগ হয়। যেমন: 1) Mother is telling a story 2) The dog is barking. 3) Tuli is singing a song. 4) I am seeing a bird.
5) Now it is not raining. 6) Rahim is catching fish.

Present tense (
বর্তমান কাল)
Present perfect tense:
বর্তমান কালে কোনো কাজ এই মাত্র শেষ হয়েছে কিন্তু তার ফল এখনো বর্তমান আছে, এরূপ বোঝালে verb-এর present perfect tense হয়।
গঠন প্রণালি: Subject-এর পর person number অনুসারে have বা has বসে এবং মূল verb-এর past participle form ব্যবহূত হয়। যেমন: 1) I have written a letter.
2) She has drawn a picture.
3) They have eaten rice.
Present perfect continuous tense:
বর্তমান কালে কোনো কাজ পূর্ব থেকে আরম্ভ হয়ে এখনো হচ্ছে বা চলছে এরূপ বোঝালে verb-এর present perfect continuous tense হয়।
গঠন প্রণালি: Subject-এর পর person number অনুসারে have been বা has been বসে এবং মূল verb-এর শেষে ing যোগ হয়।
যেমন: 1) I have been reading for five hours.
2) It has been raining since morning.
3) He has been suffering from fever for seven days.
Past tense (
অতীত কাল)
. Past indefinite tense: অতীত কালে কোনো কাজ সাধারণভাবে হয়েছিল এরূপ বোঝালে verb-এর past indefinite tense হয়।
গঠন প্রণালি: Subject-এর পর মূল verb-এর past form ব্যবহূত হয়। যেমন: 1) He went to school.
2) Rony did not go to school.
3) You ate rice. 4) Did you eat rice?
Past continuous tense:
অতীত কালে কোনো কাজ হচ্ছিল বা চলছিল এরূপ বোঝালে verb-এর past continuous tense হয়।
গঠন প্রণালি: Subject-এর পর person number অনুসারে was বা were বসে এবং মূল verb-এর শেষে ing যোগ হয়।
যেমন:1) I was singing a song.
2) The moon was shining.
3) You were learning English.
4) She was not dancing.
5) The Students were not making a noise.
Past perfect tense:
অতীত কালে সংঘটিত দুটি কাজের মধ্যে পূর্বে সংঘটিত কাজটির verb-এর past perfect tense হয় এবং পরে সংঘটিত কাজটির verb-এর past indefinite tense হয়।
গঠন প্রণালি: Subject-এর পর had বসে এবং মূল verb-এর past participle form ব্যবহূত হয়।
যেমন: 1) The patient had died before the doctor came.
2) The train had left before we reached the station.
3) We reached home after the sun had set.
. Past perfect continuous tense: অতীত কালে সংঘটিত দুটি কাজের মধ্যে পূর্বে সংঘটিত কাজটি কিছু সময় যাবত চলছিল এরূপ বোঝালে verb-এর past perfect continuous tense হয়।
গঠন প্রণালি: Subject-এর পর had been বসে এবং মূল verb-এর শেষে ing যোগ হয়।
যথা:1) The boys had been making a noise before the class began.
2) I had been walking before the sun set.
3) I had been doing sums before you came.

Future tense (
ভবিষ্যৎ কাল)
Future indefinite tense:
ভবিষ্যৎ কালে কোন কাজ সাধারণভাবে সংঘটিত হবে এরূপ বোঝালে verb-এর future indefinite tense হয়।
গঠন প্রণালি: Subject-এর পর person number অনুসারে shall বা will বসে এবং মূল verb-এর present form ব্যবহূত হয়। যেমন:
1) I shall go to Sylhet.
2) He will buy a book.
3) He will not learn English.
4) Will you play football?
Future continuous tense:
ভবিষ্যৎ কালে কোনো কাজ কিছু সময় ধরে হতে থাকবে বা চলতে থাকবে বোঝালে verb-এর future continuous tense হয়।
গঠন প্রণালি: Subject-এর পর person number অনুসারে shall be বা will be বসে এবং মূল verb-এর শেষে ing যোগ হয়। যেমন:
1) I shall be singing a song.
2) He will be catching fish.
3) She will not be dancing.
4) Ranu will not be singing.
5) Will they be playing football?
. Future perfect tense: ভবিষ্যৎ কালে সংঘটিত দুটি কাজের মধ্যে অপেক্ষাকৃত পূর্বে সংঘটিত কাজটির verb-এর future perfect Tense হয় এবং পরে সংঘটিত কাজটির verb-এর Present/future indefinite tense হয়।
গঠন প্রণালি: Subject-এর পর person number অনুসারে shall have বা will have বসে এবং মূল verb-এর past participle form ব্যবহূত হয়। যেমন:
1) I shall have done the sum before I go to school.
2) She will have done the work by this time.
3) They will have reached home before the rain sets in.
4) I shall have finished the work before father comes.
Future perfect continuous tense:
ভবিষ্যৎ কালে সংঘটিত দুটি কাজের মধ্যে একটি কাজ অপর কাজটি শুরু হওয়ার পূর্ব পর্যন্ত কিছুকাল ধরে চলতে থাকবে বোঝালে পূর্ববর্তী কাজটি future perfect continuous tense হয় এবং পরবর্তী কাজটি Present/future indefinite tense হয়।
গঠন প্রণালি: Subject-এর পর shall have been বা will have been বসে এবং মূল verb-এর শেষে ing যোগ হয়। যেমন:
1) I shall have been doing the sum before he arrives.
2) She will take rest after she will have been walking for two hours.
3) They will have been playing before the sun sets.
4) I shall have been sleeping before the sun rises

প্রিয় শিক্ষার্থীরা, গতকালের পর আজ ইংরেজি ২য় পত্রের Tense অংশ থেকে নমুনা প্রশ্ন অনুশীলন করব।
# Rewrite the following passage in the past tense.
(a) My father was a farmer. I helped him in his work. My mother also helped him at home. She also helped us to prepare our lesson in the evening. Our grandfather was an old man but he told us many interesting story.
(b) There was none else in the world like my mother. She would love me very dearly. She did never think of her own happiness. Her joy knew no bounds when she would find me happy. Mother would become very anxious when I was ill.
(c) It was a nice warm evening in March. Anwar was reading a book in his bedroom at home, when his mother called him. When Anwar went down-stairs, he found his mother with some visitors in the living room. Anwar’s mother told him to look after them for few moments and left the room. Anwar felt embarrassed and shy.
Rewrite the following passage in the past tense.
(a) Nasiruddin is a pious and learned man. He spends his time in studies and religious activities. Although he is an emperor of Delhi he leads his life like an ordinary man. He copies the holy Quran and sells it in the market. He maintains his family with the money he earns thereby.
(b) Luna and Rina are walking along with Rina’s mother. Rina’s mother is a housewife. They are going to Luna’s house. Luna’s mother is a school teacher. She teaches the student well.
Re-write the following passage in the future tense.
(a) The annual cultural week of our school was held on the 3rd march. We decorated the school campus very nicely. The chief guest arrived at 10:00 am. He was received cordially. The function started at 10:30 am.
(b) My younger brother Sujoy became a teacher. He went back to our village. He started a night school there. He taught the poor and illiterate farmers. The villagers became very happy.
Answer : Change into Present Tense
(a) My father is a farmer. I help him in his work. My mother also helps him at home. She also helps us to prepare our lesson in the evening. Our grandfather is an old man but he tells us many interesting story.
(b) There is none else in the world like my mother. She loves me very dearly. She does never think of her own happiness. Her joy knows no bounds when she finds me happy. Mother becomes very anxious when I am ill.
(c) It is a nice warm evening in March. Anwar is reading a book in his bedroom at home, when his mother calls him. When Anwar goes down-stairs, he finds his mother with some visitors in the living room. Anwar’s mother tells him to look after them for few moments and leaves the room. Anwar feels embarrassed and shy.
Answer : Change into past tense.
(c) Nasiruddin was a pious and learned man. He spent his time in studies and religious activities. Although he was an emperor of Delhi he led his life like an ordinary man. He copied the holy Quran and sold it in the market. He maintained his family with the money he earned thereby.
(d) Luna and Rina were walking along with Rina’s mother. Rina’s mother was a housewife. They were going to Luna’s house. Luna’s mother was a school teacher. She taught the student well.
Answer : Change into the future tense.
(a) The annual cultural week of our school will be held on the 3rd march. We will decorate the school campus very nicely. The chief guest will arrive at 10:00 am. He will be received cordially. The function will start at 10:30 am.
(b) My younger brother Sujoy will become a teacher. He will back to our village. He will start a night school there. He will teach the poor and illiterate farmers. The villagers will become very happy.




Definition: An aspect of verb which tells the time of an action is called tense. Tenses have certain rules, according to which a sentence is made.
There are mainly three kinds of tenses.
1.     Present tense
2.     Past tense
3.     Future tense
Each of present, past and future tense is further divided into four kinds.
1.     Simple (Indifinite)
2.     Continuous (progressive)
3.     Perfect 
4.     Perfect Continuous (Perfect progressive)
In this way, there are 12 kinds of tense, which are explained in detail as below

 Present Simple Tense

It is used to express an action in present time, habitual or usual actions or daily event or universal fact. It is used to express an action in present time which is usually done on a regular basis. For example a student says, “I go to school”. It is a daily activity of a student to go to school, so such actions are expressed by present simple tense. Another example is, “I work in a factory”. It tells about a usual action of a person that he works in a factory on regular basis.
Rules. 1st form of verb or base verb is used as main verb in sentence.

Structure of sentence – Rules

Positive Sentence
     • Subject + Main verb + Object
     • Subject + 1st form of verb (or base verb) + Object

Note: If the subject in a sentence is “he, she, it, singular or proper noun” then “s” or “es” is added to the first form of verb or base form in the sentence.
         I write a letter.
         He gets up early in the morning.
         Sun rises in east.

Negative Sentences
   • Subject + auxiliary verb +NOT + Main verb +object
   • Subject + Do not/Does not + 1st form of verb (or base form) + object

         I do not write a letter.
         He does not get up early in the morning.
         Sun does not rise in east.

Note: In negative sentence auxiliary verb “do or does” along with “not” is used. If the subject in a sentence is “he, she, it, singular or proper noun”, then “Does not” is used after subject in sentence. If subject is “I, we, they, you or plural” then “Do not” is used after subject in sentence. “s” or “es” is not added to main verb in negative sentence
Interrogative Sentence
   • Auxiliary verb + Subject + Main verb + Object
   • Do/Does + Subject + 1st for of verb (or base verb) + Object

         Do I write a letter?
         Does he get up early in the morning?
         Does sun rise in east?

Note: If the subject in a sentence is “he, she, it, singular or proper noun” the sentence is started with Auxiliary verb “Does”. If the subject in a sentence is “I, we, they, you or plural” the sentence is started with auxiliary verb “Do”. “s” or “es” is not added to main verb in Interrogative sentence 

More Examples

Positive Sentences
          I sing a song.
          He drinks water
          They read lessons
          Birds chirp
          John reaches home in time.
          Water maintains its surface level.

Negative Sentences
          I do not sing a song
          He does not drink water
          They do not read lessons
          Birds do not chirp
          John does not reach home in time.
          Water does not maintain its surface level.

Interrogative Sentences
Do I sing a song?
Does he drink water?
Do they read lessons?
Do birds chirp?
Does John reach home in time?
Does water maintain its surface level?

Present Continuous Tense

It is used to express a continued or ongoing action at present time. It expresses an action which is in progress at the time of speaking. For example, a person says, “I am writing a letter”. It means that he is in the process of writing a letter right now. Such actions which are happening at time of speaking are expressed by present continuous tense. Present Continuous tense is also called Present progressive tense.
Rules. Auxiliary verb “am or is or are” is used in sentence. 1st form of verb or base verb + ing (present participle) is used as main verb in sentence.

Structure of sentence

Positive Sentence
    • Subject + auxiliary verb + main verb-ing (Present participle) + object
    • Subject + am/is/are + (1st form of verb or base verb + ing) + object

If the subject is “I” then auxiliary verb “am” is used after subject in sentence.
If the subject is “He, She, It, singular or proper name” then auxiliary verb “is” is used after subject in sentence.
If subject is “You, They or plural” then auxiliary verb “are” is used after subject in sentence.
The participle “ing” is added to the 1st form of verb i.e. going (go) writing (write)


        I am playing cricket.
        He is driving a car
        They are reading their lessons.

Negative Sentence
      • Subject + auxiliary verb + not + main verb-ing (Present participle) + object
      • Subject + am/is/are + not + (1st form of verb + ing) + object

Rules for using auxiliary verbs (am or is or are) after subject in negative sentences are same as mentioned above.

         I am not playing cricket.
         He is not driving a car
         They are not reading their lessons.

Interrogative Sentences
      • Auxiliary verb + Subject + main verb-ing (Present participle) + object
      • Am/is/are + Subject + (1st form of verb or base verb + ing) + object

For making interrogative sentences, the sentence is started with auxiliary verb rather than putting auxiliary verb inside the sentence. If the subject is “I” the sentence starts with auxiliary verb “am”. If the subject is “He, She, It, singular or proper name” the sentence starts with auxiliary verb “is”. If subject is “You, They or plural” the sentence starts with auxiliary verb “are”.
          Am I playing cricket?
          Is he driving a car?
         Are they reading their lessons?

More Examples

Positive Sentences
           I am listening to the news
           You are washing your clothes
           She is riding on horse
           They are playing football.
           It is raining

Negative Sentence
          I am not listening to the news.
          You are not washing your clothes.
          She is not riding on a horse.
          They are not playing football.
          It is not raining.

Interrogative Sentences
         Am I listening to the news?
         Are you washing your clothes?
         Is she riding on a horse?
         Are they playing football?
         Is it raining?

Present Perfect Tense

It is used to expressed an action which happened or completed in past but usually the action which happened or completed at a short time before now (near past) not a very long time before now. Specific time such as two years ago, last week or that day is usually not used in the sentences of in this tense. It means that this tense expresses the action whose time when it happened, is not exactly specified but it sounds to refer to some action that happened or completed in near past.
Rules: Auxiliary verb “has or have” is used in sentence. 3rd form of verb (past participle) is used as main verb in sentence.

Structure of Sentence

Positive Sentence
         • Subject + Auxiliary verb + main verb (past participle) + Subject
         • Subject + has/have + 3rd form of verb or past participle + subject

If the subject is “He, She, It, singular or proper name” then auxiliary verb “has” is used after subject in sentence.
If subject is “You, They or plural” then auxiliary verb “have” is used after subject in sentence.


       I have eaten meal
       She has learnt a lesson

Negative Sentence
        • Subject + Auxiliary verb + NOT + main verb (past participle) + Subject
        • Subject + has/have + NOT + 3rd form of verb or past participle + subject

Rules for using auxiliary verb “has or have” in negative sentence are same as mentioned above.


      I have not eaten meal.
      She has not learnt a lesson.

Interrogative Sentences
         • Auxiliary verb + Subject + main verb (past participle) + Subject
         • Has/have + Subject + 3rd form of verb or past participle + subject

Interrogative sentence starts with auxiliary verb. If the subject is “He, She, It, singular or proper name” then the sentence starts with auxiliary verb “has”.
If subject is “You, They or plural” then the sentence starts with auxiliary verb “have”.


      Have I eaten meal?
      Has she learnt a lesson?

More Examples.

Positive Sentences
          They have gone to school.
          They have bought a new car.
          I have started a job
          It has rained.
          The guests have arrived
          John has left for home.
          You have told a lie.

Negative Sentences
        They have not gone to school.
        They have not bought a new car.
        I have not started a job
        It has not rained.
        The guests have not arrived.
        John has not left for home.
        You have not told a lie.

Negative Sentences                                                        
       Have they gone to school?
       Have they bought a new car?
       Have I started a job?
       Has it rained?
       Have the guests arrived?
       Has John left for home?
       Have you told a lie?

Present Perfect Continuous tense

It is used to express a continued or ongoing action that started in past and is continued until now. There will be a time reference, such as “since 1980, for three hours etc” from which the action has been started. A sense of time reference is found in these sentences which gives an idea that action has been continued from some time in past till now.  Such time reference or sense of time reference is the identity of Present perfect continuous tense because it tells that action has started from a particular time in past. For example, “He has been reading in this school since 2005”, so the it means that he has started his education in this school in 2005 and he is studying in this school till now.
Note: If there is not time reference or sense of time reference then it is not Present perfect continuous tense because there is no hint about the time of action when it started in past and it seems just an ongoing action at present time which resembles “present Continuous tense. So the reference of time differentiates between Present perfect continuous tense and Present continuous tense.
Rules: An auxiliary verb “has been or have been” is used in sentence. 1st form of verb (base verb) +ing (present participle) is used as main verb in sentence. “Since” or “for” is used before the “time reference” in sentence. If the time reference is exactly known such as 1995, 4 O’clock then “since” is used before the time in sentence. If the time reference is not exactly known such as three hours, six years, four days, then “for” is used before the time in sentence. Time reference such as 3 hours or 5 days is not exactly known because we don’t know that about which three hours a day is told in sentence or about which 5 days in a month is told in sentence. While the 1995 is exactly known time.

Structure of sentence.

Positive Sentence.
• Subject + Auxiliary verb + main verb (Present participle) + Object + Time reference
• Subject + has been/have been + (1st form of verb or base verb + ing) + object +    time reference

If the subject is “He, She, It, singular or proper name” then auxiliary verb “has been” is used after subject in sentence.
If subject is “You, They or plural” then auxiliary verb “have been” is used after subject in sentence.

        He has been watering the plants for two hours.
        I have been studying since 3 O’clock

Negative Sentence.
• Subject +”Not” between the Auxiliary verb + main verb (present participle) +     Object + Time reference

• Subject + has not been/have not been + (1st form of verb or base verb + ing) +    object + time reference

To make negative sentence, the word “not” is written between the auxiliary verbs, so it becomes like “has not been or have not been”. The rule for using auxiliary verb “has been or have been” in negative sentences is as same as mentioned above.

        He has not been watering the plants for two hours.
        I have not been studying since 3 O’clock.

Interrogative Sentence.
• Auxiliary verb + Subject + Auxiliary verb + main verb (present participle) + object +    time reference

• Has/have + Subject + been + (1st form of verb or base verb+ing) + object + time    reference

Interrogative sentence starts with auxiliary verb. If the subject is “He, She, It, singular or proper name” then the sentence starts with auxiliary verb “has” and auxiliary verb “been” is used after subject
If subject is “You, They or plural” then the sentence starts with auxiliary verb “have” and “been” is used after subject

      Has he been watering the plants for two hours?
      Have I been studying since 3 O’clock?

More examples.

Positive sentences
           It has been raining for three days.
           I have been living in America since 2003.
           He has been playing cricket for two hours.
           They have been watching television since 6 O’clock.
           She has been working in this office since 2007.

Negative sentences
         It has not been raining for three days.
         I have not been living in America since 2003.
         He has not been playing cricket for two hours.
         They have not been watching television since 6 O’clock.
         She has not been working in this office since 2007.

Positive sentences
        Has it been raining for three days?
        Have I been living in America since 2003?
        Has he been playing cricket for two hours.
        Have they been watching television since 6 O’clock?
        Has she been working in this office since 2007?

Past Simple Tense

It is used to express an action that happened or completed in past, usually a very little time before speaking, or action which is just completed. Time of action is not specified in terms of long time ago or short ago but it make a sense that the action has done a little time ago. For example, a person says, “I watched a movie”, it means the speaker of this sentence watched a movie a little time ago or little time ago in the same day.

Rules:2nd form of verb (past simple) is used as main verb in the positive sentences and base form is used in negative and interrogative sentences.

Structure of sentences

Positive Sentence
      • Subject + main verb (past simple) + object
      • Subject + 2nd form of verb (past simple) + object


      I killed a snake
      He ate a mango.

Negative sentences
       • Subject + (auxiliary verb + not) main verb (base form) + object
       • Subject + did not + 1st form of verb or base form + object

In negative sentence “did not” is written and the 1st form of verb (base verb) is used instead of using 2nd form (or past simple verb).

       I did not kill a snake
       He did not eat a mango

Interrogative sentences
     • Auxiliary verb + subject + main verb (base verb) + object
     • Did + subject + 1st form of verb (or base verb) + object

Interrogative sentence starts with “did” and the 1st form of verb (base verb) is used instead of using 2nd form (or past simple verb).


     Did I kill a snake?
     Did he eat a mango?

More Examples

Negative sentences
        He gave me a gift
        They went to cinema.
        She wrote a letter to him.
        I made a table.
        You answered correctly.

Negative sentences
        He did not give me a gift
        They did not go to cinema.
        She did not write a letter to him.
        I did not make a table.
        You did not answer correctly.

Interrogative sentences
       Did he give me a gift?
       Did they go to cinema?
       Did she write a letter to him?
       Did I make a table?
       Did you answer correctly?

Past Continuous tense

It is used to express a continued or ongoing action in past, an ongoing action which occurred in past and completed at some point in past. It expresses an ongoing nature of an action in past.  For example, “he was laughing.” This sentence shows ongoing action (laughing) of a person which occurred in past. Past continuous tense is also called past progressive.
Rules: Auxiliary verb “was or were” is used in sentence. 1st form of verb or base verb + ing (present participle) is used as main verb in sentence.

Structure of sentence

Positive sentences
          • Subject + auxiliary verb + Main Verb (present participle) + object
          • Subject + was/were + (1st form of verb or base verb +ing) +object

If the subject is “he, she, It, I, singular or proper noun” then auxiliary verb “was” is used. If subject is “you, we, they or plural” then auxiliary verb “were” is used.
              She was crying yesterday.
              They were climbing on a hill.

Negative sentences
         • Subject + auxiliary verb + NOT + Main verb (present participle) + object
         • Subject + was/were + NOT + (1st form of verb or base verb +ing) +object

Rules for using auxiliary verb after subject are same as mentioned above.
             She was not crying yesterday.
             They were not climbing on a hill.

Interrogative sentences
         • Auxiliary verb + Subject + Main verb (present participle) + object
         • Was/were + Subject + (1st form of verb or base verb +ing) +object

The interrogative sentence starts with the auxiliary verb. If the subject is “he, she, It, I, singular or proper noun” then the sentence starts with auxiliary verb “was”. If subject is “you, we, they or plural” then the sentence starts with auxiliary verb “were”.
             Was she crying yesterday?
             Were they climbing on a hill?

More Examples

Positive sentences
          They were laughing at the joker.
          He was taking exam last month
          You waiting for him yesterday
          She was working in a factory.
          It was raining yesterday.

Negative sentences
         They were not laughing at the joker.
         He was not taking exam last month
         You were not waiting for him yesterday
         She was not working in a factory.
         It was not raining yesterday.

Interrogative sentences
        Were they laughing at the joker?
        Was he taking exam last month?
        Were you waiting for him yesterday?
        Was she working in a factory?
        Was it raining yesterday?

Past perfect tense

It is used to express an action which has occurred in past (usually, a long time ago) and action which has occurred in past before another action in past.
For example,
I had lived in America. (The sense of time in this sentence refers to a completed action in past and especially a long time ago)
The students had gone before the teacher came.  (The first part of sentence “The student has gone” is sentence of past perfect tense, it says about an action which occurred before another action in past which is “the teacher came”. The second part “the teacher came” is sentence of past simple tense. So such a sentence which express an action in past before another action in past comprises two parts where the first part of sentence is past perfect tense)
Rules. Auxiliary verb “had” is used in sentence. 3rd form of verb (past participle) is used as main verb in sentence

Structure of sentence.

Positive sentence
        • Subject + auxiliary verb + main verb (past participle) + object
        • Subject + had + 3rd form of verb or past participle + object

      He had taken the exam last year
      A thief had stolen my watch.

Negative sentence
        • Subject + auxiliary verb + NOT + main verb (past participle) + object
        •Subject + had + not + 3rd form of verb or past participle + object

   “Not” is written after auxiliary verb in negative sentence.
       He had not taken the exam last year
       A thief had not stolen my watch.

Interrogative sentence
       • Auxiliary verb + subject + main verb (past participle) + object
       • Had + subject + 3rd form of verb or past participle + object

     Interrogative sentence starts with auxiliary verb “had”
      Had he taken the exam last year
      Had a thief stolen my watch?

More Examples

Positive sentences
      They had visited a doctor.
       He had slept.
       I had finished my work last year.
       It had rained heavily last month.
      The film had started before we reached cinema.

Negative sentences
      They had not visited a doctor.
      He had not slept.
      I had not finished my work last year.
      It had not rained heavily last month.
      The film had not started before we reached cinema.

Interrogative sentences
      Had they visited a doctor?
      Had he slept?
      Had I finished my work last year?
      Had it rained heavily last month?
      Had the film started before we reached cinema.

Past Perfect continuous tense

It is used to express a continued or ongoing action that started in past and continued until sometime in past. (Remember, an ongoing action in past which continued till some time in past) There will be a time reference, such as “since 1980, for three hours etc” from which the action had started. A sense of time reference is found in these sentences which shows that action had started in past and continued till some time in past.  Such time reference or sense of reference is the identity of Present perfect continuous tense because it tells that action has started from a particular time in past or for some time period. For example, “He had been studying in this school since 2005”, so the it means that he had started his education in this school in 2005 and he studied in this school till sometime in past.
Note: If there is not time reference or sense of time reference, then it is not Past perfect continuous tense because there is no hint about the time of action when it started in past or continued for some time period, so it seems just an ongoing action in past which resembles “past Continuous tense”. So the reference of time differentiates between Past perfect continuous tense and past continuous tense.

Rules: An auxiliary verb “had been” is used in sentence. 1st form of verb (base verb) +ing (present participle) is used as main verb in sentence. “Since” or “for” is used before the “time reference” in sentence. If the time reference is exactly known such as 1995, 4 O’clock then “since” is used before the time in sentence. If the time reference is not exactly known such as three hours, six years, four days, then “for” is used before the time in sentence. Time reference such as 3 hours or 5 days is not exactly known because we don’t know that about which three hours a day is told in sentence or about which 5 days in a month is told in sentence. While the 1995 is exactly known time.

Structure of sentence.

Positive Sentence.
• Subject + Auxiliary verb + main verb (Present participle) + Object + Time reference

• Subject + had been + (1st form of verb or base verb + ing) + object + time    reference

      I had been waiting for him for one hour.
      She had been playing chess since 7 O’clock.

Negative Sentence.
• Subject +”Not” between the Auxiliary verbs + main verb (present participle) +     Object + Time reference

• Subject + had not been + (1st form of verb or base verb + ing) + object + time    reference

To make negative sentence, the word “not” is added inside auxiliary verb, so it becomes “had not been”.
        I had not been waiting for him for one hour.
        She had not been playing chess since 7 O’clock.

Interrogative Sentence.
• Auxiliary verb+ Subject + Auxiliary verb + main verb (present participle) + object +    time reference

• Had + Subject +  been + (1st form of verb or base verb+ing) + object + time    reference

Interrogative sentence starts with auxiliary verb “had” and auxiliary verb “been” is used after subject in sentence.
        Had I been waiting for him for one hour?
        Had she been playing chess 7 O’clock?

More examples.

Positive sentences
         I had been living in America since 2003.
         He had been playing cricket for two hours.
         They had been watching television since 6 O’clock.
         She had been working in this office since 2007.
         It had been raining for three days.

Negative sentences
        I had not been living in America since 2003.
        He had not been playing cricket for two hours.
        They had not been watching television since 6 O’clock.
        She had not been working in this office since 2007.
        It had not been raining for three days.

Positive sentences
        Had I been living in America since 2003?
        Had he been playing cricket for two hours.
        Had they been watching television since 6 O’clock?
        Had she been working in this office since 2007?
        Had it been raining for three days?

Future simple tense

It is used to express an action which has not occurred yet and will occur after saying or in future. For example, “I will go to zoo tomorrow”, in this sentence the person intend for tomorrow’s visit to zoo. In short, these sentences express actions which will be done in future.
Rules. Auxiliary verb “will” is used in sentence. 1st form of verb or base form is used as main verb in sentence.

Structure of sentence

Positive sentence
       • Subject + auxiliary verb + main verb (present participle) + object
       •Subject + will + (1st form of verb or base form +ing) + object

       I will buy a computer tomorrow.
       They will come here.

Negative sentence
      • Subject + auxiliary verb+ not + main verb (present participle) + object
      • Subject + will +not + (1st form of verb or base form +ing) + object
     To make negative sentence “not” is written after auxiliary verb in sentence.
       I will not buy a computer tomorrow.
       They will not come here.

Interrogative sentence
      • Auxiliary verb + subject + main verb (present participle) + object
      • Will + subject + (1st form of verb or base form +ing) + object

Interrogative sentence starts with auxiliary verb “will”
      Will I buy a computer tomorrow?
      Will they come here?

More Examples

Positive sentences
           He will start a business.
           She will send me a letter.
           I will give you a pen tomorrow
           Students will take exams at the end of semester.
           They will buy a new car.
           The Pattern of exam will change next year.

Negative sentences
          He will not start a business.
          She will not send me a letter.
          I will not give you a pen tomorrow
          Students will not take exams at the end of semester.
          They will not buy a new car.
          The pattern of exam will not change next year.

Interrogative sentences
         Will he start a business?
         Will she send me a letter?
         Will I give you a pen tomorrow?
         Will students take exams at the end of semester?
         Will they buy a new car?
         Will the Pattern of exam change next year?

 Future Continuous tense

It is used to express a continued or an ongoing action in future. For example, “I will be waiting for you tomorrow”, it conveys ongoing nature of an action (waiting) which will occur in future.
Rules. Auxiliary verb “will be” is used in sentence. 1st form of verb + ing (present participle) is used as main verb in sentence.

Structure of sentence

Positive sentence
   • Subject + auxiliary verb + main verb (present participle) + object
   • Subject + will be+ 1st form of verb or base form+ing (present participle) + object


       I will be waiting for you.
       You will be feeling well tomorrow.

Negative sentence
          • Subject + not between auxiliary verbs+ not + main verb (present participle)              + object
          • Subject + will not be + 1st form of verb or base form+ing (present participle)              + object

To make negative sentence “not” is written between auxiliary verbs “will and be” in sentence.


       I will not be waiting for you.
       You will not be feeling well tomorrow.

Interrogative sentence
• Auxiliary verb + subject + auxiliary verb + main verb (present participle) + object
• Will + subject + be+ 1st form of verb or base form+ing (present participle) + object

Interrogative sentence starts with auxiliary verb “will” and auxiliary verb “be” comes after subject in interrogative sentence
      Will I be waiting for you?
      Will you be feeling well tomorrow?

More Examples

Positive sentences
            We will be shifting to a new home next year.
            He will be flying a kite.
            It will be raining tomorrow.
            She will be enjoying her vacations.
            He will be expecting honesty from his employees.
            She will be delivering a speech to people.

Negative sentences
           We will not be shifting to a new home next year.
           He will not be flying a kite.
           It will not be raining tomorrow.
           She will not be enjoying her vacations.
           He will not be expecting honesty from his employees.
           She will not be delivering a speech to people.

Interrogative sentence
          Will we be shifting to a new home next year?
          Will he be flying a kite?
          Will it be raining tomorrow?
          Will she be enjoying her vacations?
          Will he be expecting honesty from his employees?
          Will she be delivering a speech to people?

Future Perfect tense

It is used to express an action which will occur in future and is thought to be completed in future. It expresses a sense of completion of an action which will occur in future. For example, “John will have gone tomorrow”. It shows a sense of completion of an action (go) which will occur in future (tomorrow).
Rules. Auxiliary verb “will have” is used in sentence. 3rd form of verb or past participle form of verb is used as main verb in sentence.

Structure of sentence

Positive sentence
       • Subject + auxiliary verb + main verb (past participle) + object
       • Subject + will have + 3rd form of verb or past participle + object


        She will have finished the work by Wednesday.
        I will have left for home by the time he gets up.
        You will have started a job.

Negative sentence
      • Subject + Not between auxiliary verbs + main verb (past participle) + object
      • Subject + will not have + 3rd form of verb or past participle + object


       She will have finished the work by Wednesday.
       I will have left for home by the time he gets up.
       You will not have started a job.

Interrogative sentence
    • Auxiliary verb + Subject + auxiliary verb + main verb (past participle) + object
    • Will + Subject +have + 3rd form of verb or past participle + object


Will she have finished the work by Wednesday?
Will I have left for home by the time he gets up?
Will you have started a job?

More Examples

Positive sentences
          He will have finished his work.
          You will have made a new chair.
          She will have decorated her home.
          I will have bought a computer.
          They will have shifted to a new home.
          Students will have passed the examination.

Negative sentences
        He will not have finished his work.
        You will not have made a new chair.
        She will not have decorated her home.
        I will not have bought a computer.
        They will not have shifted to a new home.
        Students will not have passed the examination.

Interrogative sentences
       Will he have finished his work?
       Will you have made a new chair?
       Will she have decorated her home?
       Will I have bought a computer?
       Will they have shifted to a new home?
       Will students have passed the examination?

Future Perfect Continuous tense

It is used to express a continued or ongoing action that will start in future and is thought to be continued till sometime in future. (Remember, an ongoing action in future which will continue till some time in future). There will be a time reference, such as “since 1980, for three hours” from which the action will start in future and will continue. A sense of time reference is found which gives an idea that action will start at some time in future and will continue for some time.  Such time reference or sense of time reference is the identity of Future perfect continuous tense because it tells that action will start at a particular time in future. For example, “He will have been studying in this school since 2005”, so the it means that he will start studying in this school in 2005 and will study in this school till sometime in future.
Note: If there is not time reference or sense of time reference then it is not future perfect continuous tense because there is no hint about the time of action when it will start in future and it seems just an ongoing action in future which resembles “future Continuous tense. So the reference of time differentiates between Future perfect continuous tense between future continuous tense.

Rules: An auxiliary verb “will have been” is used in sentence. 1st form of verb (base verb) +ing (present participle) is used as main verb in sentence. “Since” or “for” is used before the “time reference” in sentence. If the time reference is exactly known such as 1995, 4 O’clock then “since” is used before the time in sentence. If the time reference is not exactly known such as three hours, six years, four days, then “for” is used before the time in sentence. Time reference such as 3 hours or 5 days is not exactly known because we don’t know that about which three hours a day is told in sentence or about which 5 days in a month is told in sentence. While the 1995 is exactly know time.

Structure of sentence.

Positive Sentence.
• Subject + Auxiliary verb + main verb (Present participle) + Object + Time reference

•Subject + will have been + (1st form of verb or base verb + ing) + object + time reference

         I will have been waiting for him for one hour.
         She will have been playing football since 2015.

Negative Sentence.
• Subject +”Not” inside Auxiliary verbs + main verb (present participle) + Object +    Time reference

• Subject + will not have been + (1st form of verb or base verb + ing) + object +    Time reference

To make negative sentence, the word “not” is added inside auxiliary verb, so it becomes “will not have been”.

         I will not have been waiting for him for one hour.
         She will not have been playing football since 2015.

Interrogative Sentence.
• Auxiliary verb + Subject + auxiliary verb + main verb (present participle) + object +    time reference

• Will + Subject + have been + (1st form of verb or base verb+ing) + object + time    reference

Interrogative sentence starts with auxiliary verb “will” and auxiliary verb “have been” is used after subject in sentence.

        Will I have been waiting for him for one hour?
        Will she have been playing football since 2015?

More examples.

Positive sentences
           I will have been living in America since 2003.
           He will have been playing cricket for two hours.
           They will have been watching television since 6 O’clock.
           She will been working in this office since 2007.
           It will have been raining for three days.

Negative sentences
          I will not have been living in America since 2003.
          He will not have been playing cricket for two hours.
          They will not have been watching television since 6 O’clock?
          She will have been working in this office since 2007.
          It will not have been raining for three days.

Positive sentences
         Will I have been living in America since 2003?
         Will he have been playing cricket for two hours.
         Will they have been watching television since 6 O’clock?
         Will she have been working in this office since 2007?
         Will it have been raining for three days?

Post a Comment

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  4. Nice system to learn basic tense idea.

  5. Every information you said is very useful! That's clear and straight to the point. . It will definitively enhance my knowledge. One of the best instruction article I've come across so far on Simple Sentences . Thank you .

  6. Greatly appreciate for sharing your knowledge and wisdom! Concise and to the point throughout. It will come in handy for readers to understand the concept Learn English Grammar with a unique style . Strongly recommended!!! Great articles.

