What is Simple Future Tense?

We use the simple future tense for actions that will happen in the future. It is very useful and easy to make. The simple future tense is expressed by adding will or shall to the sentence in front of the base form of the verb. The other way to express future is the use of a present form of ‘be’ plus ‘going to’.

How do we make the simple future tense?

This page will explain the rules for forming the simple future tense. Already we have seen the general structure but in future there is a little change. English does not have a verb form specifically used to express future tense so the simple future tense is often called will, because we make the simple future tense with the auxiliary will , shall or be plus going to.
First, let us see the structure of simple future tense.
General Structure
  • 1. Affirmative (Positive) Sentence
Subject Auxiliary Verb Rest of the sentence.
I, We, You, They, He, She, It will Present Rest of the sentence.
I, We shall Present Rest of the sentence.
  • 2. Negative Sentence
Subject Auxiliary +Not Verb Rest of the sentence.
I, We, You, They, He, She, It will + not Present Rest of the sentence.
I, We shall + not Present Rest of the sentence.
  • 3. Yes/No type Question
Auxiliary Subject Verb Rest of the sentence?
Will I, We, You, They, He, She, It Present Rest of the sentence?
Shall I, We Present Rest of the sentence?
  • 4.Information Question?
QW Auxiliary Subject Verb Rest of the sentence?
QW will I, We, You, They, He, She, It Verb Rest of the sentence?
QW shall I, We Verb Rest of the sentence?
Important Note:
  • Verb– Will/Shall +Present
  • Auxiliary verb – Will or Shall
  • Will‘ is used with all persons. ‘Shall‘ can be used instead of ‘will’ with I/we.
  • In modern English, particularly in American English, ‘shall’ with a future reference is rarely used.
  • I, We, You, They, He, She, It – Will  I,We- Shall
  • QW – Question Word

1. Affirmative (Positive) Sentences

Subject Auxiliary Verb Rest of the sentence
I will/shall work on my website tomorrow.
You will learn English at home.
We will/shall see a movie tomorrow.
He will go to Chennai next week.
She will cook dinner.
It will destroy you.
They will help us later.
  • For positive sentences, we must use the auxiliary will or shall.

2. Negative Sentences

Subject Auxiliary + Not Verb (Present Tense) Rest of the sentence
I will/shall not work on my website tomorrow.
You will not learn English at home.
We will/shall not see a movie tomorrow.
He will not go to Chennai next week.
She will not cook dinner.
It will not destroy you
They will not help us later.
  • Auxiliary verb “will not (won’t) or shall not (shan’t)” and simple form of the verb is used.
  • I, We , You, They, He, She, It – shall or will

3. Yes/No type Question

Auxiliary Subject Verb (Present Tense) Rest of the sentence?
Will/Shall I work on my website tomorrow?
Will you learn English at home?
Will/Shall we see a movie tomorrow?
Will he go to Chennai next week?
Will She cook dinner?
Will it destroy me?
Will they help us later?
Will Naren wait for me?
  • The Auxiliary verb Will or shall is used in the beginning of the sentences.
  • I, We , You, They, He, She, It – Will I, We – Shall
  • The verb is used in its simple form. It ends with question mark (?).

4. Information Questions

Question Word Auxiliary Subject Verb(Present)
Rest of the sentence?
When will/Shall I work on my website?
Where will you learn English?
When will/shall we see a movie?
How will he go to Chennai?
What will she cook dinner?
How will it destroy me?
How will they help us later?
How long will Naren wait for me?
  • Question words are used in the beginning of the sentences.
  • I, We , You, They, He, She, It  - will I/We – Shall.
  • The verb is used in its simple form. It ends with question mark (?).

When should we use the simple future tense?

Use 1 spontaneous decision

We use the simple future tense when there is no plan or decision to do something before we speak. We make the decision spontaneously at the time of speaking.
Look at these examples:
Wait, I will help you.
Hold on. I’ll get a order.
Maybe we’ll stay in and watch a movie tonight.
The decision is made at the time of speaking.
We often use the simple future tense with the verb to think before it:
I think I’ll go to the college tomorrow.
I think I will buy a computer soon.

Use 2 prediction, hope, uncertainty or assumption

We often use the simple future tense to make a prediction hope, uncertainty or assumption about the future. Again, there is no firm plan.
I’ll be in Delhi tomorrow
It will rain tomorrow.

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